View Full Version : soldier moral.

10-09-2001, 03:21 AM
My first sexual experience wasn't a real good one. We drove over to our local baseball field and attempted in the backseat of a tiny escort. My soldier never arrived to the scene that night, giving me a real attention problem since. I've overcome the embarassment of that night, and have succeded in getting the troops to battle. But There are still times where I lose stiffness due to too much thought, ect. I wanted to know if any guys have any advice on how to battle the fight from within, whether this can be considered normal, and any girls if they have any thoughts on the subject.

10-09-2001, 05:22 PM
Down here in Oz the problem is commonly refered to, as a Fosters Flop
But if it happens I usually opt for applying some lip service to my girl to get my mind off it
then again with someone as persistant as Sharni, she usually find a way around the problem

10-10-2001, 03:09 AM

I don't think this is a brewers's droop matter.


If you're prone to performance anxiety, of course

you'll set the bar too high every time, and through

consistent failure create a self fulfilling result.

It's about fun and until you know that in your gut

you'll always be second best.