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View Full Version : Casual sex?

01-21-2006, 06:08 PM
I'm just out of a long term relationship and I want to get laid! I've never done much casual hooking up. I've just gone from one LTR to the next, but I want to do things differently this time. I'm a normal, healthy, good-looking guy, but I have been out of the loop for QUITE a while. I've tried looking on-line, but I don't know if I'm looking in the right place. I'm not really into alcohol or drugs, so hitting the bars is not that appealing. Does anyone have any experiences they can share about how to find wiling partners for a one-night-stand or a friends with benefits kind of a situation?

I'm asking for advice primarily from men since I think a woman in my situation probably would not have any trouble finding a willing guy. However, any helpful thoughts from women would also be appreciated.

Mark Vieth
01-21-2006, 07:57 PM
Hey there, I just saw your post and just wanted to say my 2 cents worth. There are some sites on the net that might be of some use to you. There is http://www.myspace.com that maybe of some use to you. There is also http://www.adultfriendfinder.com which may also help. Other than that you'd have to look on your own.

01-26-2006, 04:09 AM
Casual sex? Is that what you have when you take off the tuxedo?

To meet the people you want, you have to go where they are.

If you don't like the venue, you probably won't like the people, and they won't take to you.

Find somewhere you're comfortable and chase from there.

01-26-2006, 07:45 AM
I gave up my search for looking for a guy to have unromantic sex with. All of the guys out there who are willing to have no-strings fun have had way too many partners and posed way too much of a health risk for my liking. Or they weren't single. Or they were just weirdos and I didn't trust them. Or they weren't really after no-strings fun and wanted to settle down (I'm evidently one of those girls who men want to marry!)

Thankfully I met Fussy here and we fell in love so it didn't matter that I never found Mr Right-Now.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are women out there looking for a man like you - they're probably lurking least where you expect it. Try joining a new social circle where there's a high proportion of women to men. My drama group is teaming with fantastic single women and no single men at all. You may find just what you're looking for.