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View Full Version : How to ejaculate a ton?

02-14-2005, 08:32 PM
Really guys? I need help in this dept. I can maybe shoot 2-3 squirts about 1-2 ft tops with the initial being 2ft than the 2nd being 1ft and the last is very small.

After seeing this vid


I wanna know how to shoot that much.

I know abstaining from sex/masturbation etc gets you more no doubt, but even if I abstain for like 2 weeks, I can't get anywhere NEAR that amount. I might be able too get 3-4 squirts at 2-3 ft but not 6 consistant shots like in that vid! I'm like christ that guy probably unloaded a full 1/2 a cup!

Do kegal exercises do the job? or am I supposed to eat more...celery? fruits? etc.

02-15-2005, 05:29 AM
If you want to imitate what you see in a porno, first check and see if that's what the

girls want, then check whether you striving for your self image.

If you really want to ejaculate a ton, e-mail the buddhists at


02-15-2005, 07:46 AM
Phelan.....It's a porno...Everyone knows most porn is fake as hell.

Don't strive for something that probably isn't healthy in the first place.

Kegal exercises only work the muscles, how much you ejaculate has nothing to do with the muscles down there, it depends on how much of the stuff you produce.

How much you cum sounds right on target, I'd be worried if a guy I was with shot a "1/2 cup" on me.

02-15-2005, 08:05 AM
Aye aye..

2-3 squirts is just fine..

Don't worry about what some fake ass pornstar does.. Ahem.. remember he is fake.. you my friend are very real.. you should love it all the more so and be proud of your pumpings!

02-15-2005, 08:40 AM
Yeah, bro.... don't stress hey!

Speaking from experience, while I was with my ex-girl, when we first started going out, I used to cum.... a lot! For this reason, she wouldn't give me head, out of fear.... kinda funny now looking back on it.

The amount you mentioned sounds normal. Live with that. If any girl wants to judge you on the amount you cum, then she's probably not worth your time anyway....

Take it easy.

02-15-2005, 10:20 AM
I've noticed that drinking a lot of water tends to increase the volume of my spoo. That's not why I drink water constantly though. I do it because my office is so damn dry!

02-15-2005, 02:51 PM
I've noticed that drinking a lot of water tends to increase the volume of my spoo. That's not why I drink water constantly though. I do it because my office is so damn dry!
That's the reason for the lotion too right?

02-15-2005, 02:58 PM
i'm going with the majority on this one.

let's do the math ;) : the average ejaculate is about 1 tsp to 1 tblsp. there are 8 tablespoons ina u.s. half cup. that is eight times the largest average amount. :eek: plus, your body is constantly making sperm, tons of it, but if it doesn't get used it is just re-absorbed back into your body. waiting two weeks won't make the amout you cum any bigger than if you wait ony a few days. keeping hydrated will help some but i don't think you'll ever be able to produce the kind of yeild you seek. besides...anything over a tablespoon and i'm likely to have the stuff comming out my nose :p :D

02-15-2005, 03:20 PM
That's the reason for the lotion too right?


Why yes...of course it is.

/me quickly hides said gallon jar of SlickFist Wackin Lube with convenient jug pump

02-15-2005, 05:36 PM
waiting two weeks won't make the amout you cum any bigger than if you wait ony a few days.

Well actually the male body produces sperm in a 3-4 day cycle (changes from guy to guy). So if you abstain from release for 3-4 days then you are at the max amount, any more time then that does nothing.

You sound just fine though, no need to paint the girl, if you really want to increase production drink a lot of water, stay away from coffee and cheese and of course Mountain Dew (:)).

02-15-2005, 05:42 PM
if you really want to increase production drink a lot of water, stay away from coffee and cheese and of course Mountain Dew (:)).

I know of a certain fuzzy wookie that would beg to differ with you on that one. lmao

02-15-2005, 06:12 PM
I heard something somewhere (obviously fake) that mountain dew and mello yello would shrink your penis :eek: lol It HAS to be an urban legend because I once dated a guy that drank nothing but MD and he was hung big time ;)

02-15-2005, 07:28 PM
lol ok, my g/f showed sent me the link and was like why can't u do something like that? lol so it kinda of got me thinking :P

02-15-2005, 10:00 PM
Try using these for target practice

02-16-2005, 05:51 AM
The other thing is to avoid confusing the number of tadpoles you're shooting with the

volume of ejaculate.

The number of tadpoles in the spoo is indistinguishable between none and zillions.

Some time tests for yourself by yourself of yourself will tell you the time lag you need to

maximise the volume, but it won't turn you into a fire hose.

02-18-2005, 08:34 PM
Here's an excercise that may help (LMFAO!)...

Put a ®Cheerio in the commode and aim for the middle from directly in front of the toilet...then, later, step back a foot and aim, then later, step back 2 feet and aim...and so on and so on! If nothing...it'll be great eye candy if you call your S/O in to watch your progress!

No worries hun...you are normal! We are what we are and...according to some...what we eat and drink too! LOL! Porn spoo? Pfffffft! Ain't no thang! They do it with mirrors! OMG!

***Don't anyone tell him ^^^^ that ®Cheerio's in the toilet is for potty training baby boys!***

Mark Vieth
02-19-2005, 12:24 AM
Dude, stop comparing yourself to porn films. Most of us guys, shoot as much as we need to. Simple and straight forward as that. Believe me when I say this, girls hate a guy who can shoot like a firehose. It's sticky and get's everywhere. The last thing a girl wants to be doing after sex, is having to wash her hair and face coz of the amount that has been deposited on them!