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View Full Version : Circumcision question

02-03-2005, 03:53 PM
I find this a little gross to talk about, but it's important to me so here goes.

I think my son's cimcumcision has been screwed up. He is eight months old and I am still having to pull back foreskin to clean his weiner. To the naked eye, it looks like he is uncircumcised, except for a small scar on the end where they cut. I'm not sure if this is normal or not, and I don't ahve anything to compare it too. Is a circumcision something you ahve to "grow into?" or should his look like a mini-man's?

Any mommies with little boys, I could use your help?

02-03-2005, 03:59 PM
I have two sons...

I know that different docs take off different amounts... but yeah, I think you're correct in expecting him to (in your words) look like a "mini man". I think you should talk to your pediatrician, he/she will take a look, give you the straight scoop, and put your mind at ease one way or another.

For what it's worth, both of my sons were circumcised, something I now wish I'd not done, but that's a whole different discussion.

02-03-2005, 04:02 PM
I agree with flutelady--talk to his pediatrician. I know my son, even at seven, has to pull some back to clean properly, but she ^^^ may be right in different doctors, different amounts.

Anyone else?

02-03-2005, 04:10 PM
Our second son appeared much the way you describe your son does. Our first didn't. Different doctors may be the culprit, but at any rate...the pediatrician assured us it was nothing to be concerned with. Essentially told us that it looked like the correct amount of foreskin was removed, but to pull it back if need be to clean it. He's almost seven and there's no extra amount of skin now. And he's constantly pulling it. :rolleyes2

02-03-2005, 04:41 PM
i would ask at your next well-baby check up. i wouldn't worry too much though cause if it was a problem i think they would have noticed it at his other check ups.

Mark Vieth
02-04-2005, 03:45 AM
Well this is a rather funny area for me. As I myself was circumsised when I was born. My son isn't. I will add this though, check with the paedatrician if you have any concerns.