View Full Version : Menstrual Cramps!

10-19-2003, 01:09 PM
Ugh! They get worse each month, I think. I never used to have bad ones, but ever since having my tubes tied, they are HORRIBLE! Absolutely wretched! That was almost 2 years ago. For the first few months after, I had to take motrin 800 to knock em out. After that, I actually started taking vicadin to get rid of the pain (they gave me a very small scrip of both the m800 and the vic after my tubal, and I didn't use em cause I didn't really have much pain). Then, I found some nice cramp meds that worked great. Now, I took one almost an hour ago, sat in a BOILING hot tub, and I feel like someone is still twisting a knife in my gut.

Any one else have horrible cramps, and if you do, what do you do to get rid of em?

10-19-2003, 01:35 PM
i was put on birth control pills for my cramps. there were times that i couldnt go to classes in college because i was in such agony. i would lay on the couch for hours at a time with a heating pad on turned all the way up and it would literally burn me all the time and a half bottle of ibuprofen pumping thru my system and it barely touched any of the pain. i finally went to the doctor because i couldnt take it anymore. i know that you've had the tubes tied but you should get it checked out. it's not normally to completely dread your period coming every month (i completely understand the feeling). dont get me wrong, i've been on at least a dozen different pills trying to find a good one for me to work in the past 2 years and i still get cramps but nothing that completely puts me down again. i've even gone for an ultrasound for them to find the problem and nothing. i get chunks of tissue (not blood clots or anything like that) coming out and i was just told that it's my uterus completely cleaning itself back to the very beginning and it's painful. again, get it checked. you might have to go for an ultrasound (be prepared to need to pee alot) or maybe even a ct scan. i wish you all the luck.

10-19-2003, 02:34 PM
-shivers- I have thought about getting on pills for the cramps. I have two friends who both have them solely for that reason alone.

I've also talked with some people who said they had problems with their periods because of the tubal's, and some mess up.

Blah. I got the tubes tied, what is the purpose of having a period?!?!? Can't I just shut it off? ;)

Thanks for the advice :)

10-19-2003, 04:06 PM
Gilly, in a feeble attempt to be serious for a few minutes, I'd like to make a suggestion. My step-sister had cramp problems that used to make her a completely different person. Then she was looking around the mall and wandered into GNC (General Nutrician Center) . In there she found a vitamin-herbal supplement that she swore was magic. I'm not sure of the name but I'm quite certain you could ask a sales associate and find out. It'd sure be worth a try.

10-19-2003, 04:37 PM
See if you can find out the name? We have a GNC in this rinky dink town. Right now, anything is worth a shot!

10-19-2003, 04:38 PM
Gilly, I was in the same boat as you are in just a few years ago!!! I had my tubes tied just after the birth of my last child. Probably about 6 months after, my cycle started acting up, cramps, major mood swings... etc. That wouldn't happen all of the time, but just enough for me to notice.

About 6 years after, I found out I was going through pre-menopause (at the age of 35) and started on natural hormones. I was estrogen dominant - which causes the fluctuation of periods, cramps, mood swings, so I was put on progesterone. Since I was taking natural progesterone that was compounded specifically for me by a licensed pharmasist (sp), our insurance company wouldn't cover the prescription!!! So, since I really didn't want to go on the synthetic stuff, I just stopped taking it.

2 years later, I was still having trouble. From what my OBGYN said, tubal litigation can cause some women to enter pre-menopause and menopause earlier than ususal. Well, I was tired of suffering, and tired of the monthly cramps, mess (yuk), mood swings (cry one minute - in a rage the next) I just looked at my doc and said - "PLEASE - take the damn thing out!!!!" I wasn't going to have any more kids, and I didn't really want to deal with all of this for the next 20 or so years, so she agreed with me about having a hysterectmy (leaving my ovaries). Because I had been estrogen dominant for so long, the lining of my vagina was thinning and causing other medical problems, so the insurance company (stupid people) did agree to it.

I don't know how old you are, or how long you have been dealing with this stuff................the best advice that I can give you is to go to a gynochologist - not just your reg doc who does your "poke & prods" - and discuss it with them. Perhaps they will have the solution you can deal with. There is absolutely no reason for you to feel the pain and discomfort that you are experiencing.. plus it is interferring with your daily life, and the amount of pain stuff you are taking can cause further problems.

10-19-2003, 05:25 PM
as i said...you shouldnt have to dread it coming every month. i didnt want to go on the pill either and i think it's one of the best things i've ever done for myself (i dont do a whole lot for myself either) but honestly, now i'm petrified to ever go off them. i dont want it to go back to the way it was before. i was put on progesterone too at one point. the guy i'm dating finally asked me to call the doctor because i was getting horrid mood swings (one minute happy as a clown and the next i was depressed out of my mind and almost suicidal). my mom started menopause the year after she had a hysterecomy and they just left her ovaries. i'm only 24 and asked the doc to take mine out since i'm not using it anyway and i just get laughed at. they wont even think of doing it until i'm at least 35. i say take it out...i'm not using it and apparently i'm not getting around to using it either. the sad thing is that no one else in the family has ever really had any problems. it does get depressing thinking about it. almost makes me want to cry.

10-19-2003, 08:02 PM
I was put on the pill so I could actually menstruate. I'd only have periods every 8 or 9 months! But when they did come, the cramps were so bad it disrupted anything I did for that week. The pill has alleviated the cramps somewhat but I still find alternate ways to lessen the cramping. I find that Venastat (a natural supplement to help blood flow in the legs) helps if you take it with Midol. I find walking helps too. But I guess it only works if you get cramps in your legs.

10-19-2003, 08:36 PM
I've also wondered just why I need to have the parts, when they'll never serve a purpose again. I have 3 kids, the youngest is almost 2, and I'm 25. -sigh- I would love to get the rest out, but like mentioned above, my insurance company would have a fit, unless it was despretly needed.

I've heard of Venastat, is that over the counter? I do know I need to get a pap smear again soon. It's been (blush) since I had the lil one that I had one. Should get that scheduled soon, so I can maybe talk about going back on the pill for the cramps.

Why can't they just figure it out, and give women the open of having the period or not, depending on if they want to be ovulating?!!? -sighs in exsasperation!-

10-20-2003, 04:04 AM
ive head that vitamin b-6 works, my friend swears by it, i had the same problem and got on the pill that helped for me till i had kids decided the pill didnt work and got an IUD (dont do that ull cramp SOOOOOOOOOOO much worse if u can even think to imagine that) did that for a year and a half decided screw it and had it out i only just now heard of the b-6 last month , its something u have to build up in ur system u cant just take it when ur on, ill let u know if it works im gonna start on it today and ill tell ya if my cramps arntthat bad now that im back on the pill but they are still there hopefully not after the b-6 tho


10-20-2003, 05:39 AM
I like to see if I can find an herbal remedy before I put other chemicals in my body. This guy has herbs that are helpful for cramps and links to info about the herbs.


10-20-2003, 06:53 AM
Do hugs help?

10-20-2003, 11:56 AM
The pills seems to help me alot as well. Altough after the birth of my baby boy everytime I have my period it feels like I am in back labor again the first 2 days. I think my cramps havent gotten better because I had a C-Section. The scar tissue is aggrivated easily during my period so...ah well just somehting I deal with (with alot of advil).

10-20-2003, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Belial
Do hugs help?

Only if you actually squeeze the person to death:D

10-20-2003, 08:30 PM
Being a male I have been spared the problems you face.
I do hope you can find some thing to help with this, Gilly and all our other lovely ladies who have like problems.

Hugs to you all

10-21-2003, 07:58 PM
Tang Quoy (pronounced Don Qui) is an herb that interacts naturally with your system and is supposed to reduce cramping during your period. It is also amazing when you have muscle cramps and leg cramps. The only concern that I have with herbal pills is that they can sometimes interact badly with any prescription medications that you may take. Sometimes, the actual amounts contained in the pill varies as well. Do some research on herbal remidies though, like Lilith, I prefer the natural to any synthetic pill that I may take.

10-22-2003, 01:14 PM
Hey a good friend of mine suffered terribly from exactly what you are experiencing. When she and her hubby tried to conceive there were fertility problems.
Her regular Gyno completely missed what were obviously the symptoms of endometriosis. She had some surgery to clear the uterus voila! Pregnant and what do you know??,her cramps were greatly reduced in the subsequent months since childbirth.

10-23-2003, 07:30 PM
You guys have lots of great suggestions. Thank you!

When I was in for my appt today for other crap, I mentioned that my periods are really long, really frequent, and really irregular. They asked how long it's been going on, and the nurse and doc both exchanged an odd look when I said it started around the time of my tubal. I have an appt in 2 weeks for a full physical. You know the kind ladies. blah. :p

I grabbed some b-6 at walgreens today, so I'll start that in the morning with my new regimine of pills. blah. ;)

10-24-2003, 12:49 PM
Hope all goes well Gilly *sending well wishes*

11-08-2003, 03:24 PM
Quick update. I had a pap done thursday, and I have a bacterial infection of sorts. Also, she asked if I had been diagnosed with Endimetriosis. She has me going in for a pelvic ultrasound on Tuesday for that, and to check out this little lumpy thing near my pelvic bone that has been there since my tubal.

She also gave me a pain killer to take that's made for menstrual cramps. Fingers crossed, we'll figure something out.

11-09-2003, 03:03 AM
well it sounds like things are at least being investigated which is a darn good start.

Hope it all works out good for you soon Gilly


11-10-2003, 01:16 PM
Hope all is going well Gilly! I'm in the same boat (though, I'm much older than you) and I've been to numerous OBGYN's and they are sooooooooooooo reluctant now-a-days to do a hysterectomy due to all the lawsuits of years gone by for malpractice in doing unecessary hysterectomies! I've had a hemi-hysterectomy (both falliopian tubes and one ovary are gone) way back when I was 28, but I still have my uterus and one ovary......which has a tumor (non-malignant) on it and I have some cysts too! This is what's causing the pain (I am told by doc's but nothing is done because of the insurance companies). When I had that operation, they spared all the parts they could in case I wanted to try for an invitro pregnancy........which, I didn't even attempt for more severe problems. Sorry to ramble.......but it seems to me that at my age....or with you not wanting anymore children.....we (not the insurance companies) should be able to deem what is right for us! Good luck hun!

11-14-2003, 11:08 PM
Hey I'm not a doctor so maybe you should consult yours... but I found this--- Hope you feel better!

Minor cramps, pain or discomfort are not uncommon before and/or during a menstrual cycle. However, recurring, severe pelvic pain before and during your period that lasts 6 months or longer could be caused by something more serious, such as endometriosis.

Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease affecting millions of women in North America. The disease most often occurs in women in their 20s and 30s and is associated with symptoms such as chronic pelvic pain, pain during sexual intercourse, painful menstrual discomfort, and infertility.

Although there is no cure for endometriosis, it can be effectively treated. If you experience recurring pelvic pain before or during you period, talk to your doctor. Click Here (http://www.endofacts.com/index_flash.htm) to get your personalized Doctor Discussion Guide, which can help you discuss your symptoms with your doctor. Learning all you can about endometriosis empowers you with knowledge and can help you partner with your doctor when discussing possible treatment options.

To learn more about endometriosis, visit

11-27-2003, 12:28 AM
Hi guys! Thanks for that post, Fairy.

My doctor did wonder about Endo back at our last appt a few weeks ago (when I had the dreaded pap done), and she sent me in to have a pelvic and internal ultrasound done. No word on the results, though, because I had to cancel my appt last week when the car broke down.

I have to go back next thursday, though, so I'll find out then about the results on the ultrasound.

She did perscribe me some pills that were made specifically for menstrual pain, though oddly, my period last week wasn't painful. -boggle- So, there's my update. ;)