View Full Version : Musician to make album of sex noises

12-12-2002, 08:06 AM
An electronic musician from Winnipeg, Canada is making an album out of the noises he and his partner make during sex.

Aaron Funk and his girlfriend Rachael Kozak recorded their love-making sessions on mini-disk.

Funk, who normally records under the name Venetian Snares, sampled the noises and turned them into music.

The album, to be called Nymphomatriarch, is due to be released next year.

"People I've played it for don't believe it," Funk told a forthcoming issue of Playboy.

"They're like: "No, no, no - you've sampled high hats there, I know it." It's essentially alchemy, shaping sex

into a new form.

"It's weird to deconstruct the sounds of sex. It makes you conscious of a lot of stuff you'd normally ignore. I remember thinking, like, oh, that slap will make a good snare drum.

"Or, wow, that was a freakish set of grunts and moans - I want to make that into a choir later."

Songs completed so far include Hymen Tramp Choir, Pervs, and Blood on the Rope.